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About the research


Why is this research important?

Improving post-hospital rehabilitation and psychological support for people with traumatic injury is a high priority in the NHS. Research studies suggest that as physical recovery progresses and the acute care phase ends, survivors of MT begin processing the emotional impact of their injuries and how this will potentially affect different aspects of their life. Much of the existing research investigating psychological adjustment following Major Trauma (MT) focuses on working-age adults, older adults, and children, with a lesser focus on young adults. We hope that conducting this research with young adults will enable clinicians, academics, and the public to understand the experiences of young adults following MT and help improve psychological provision for this population in the future.


Who is conducting this research?

This research is being conducted by a team of researchers from the University of Leeds and Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust. Liam Smith is the Chief Investigator for the study, a Trainee Clinical Psychologist completing this research as his doctoral thesis at the University of Leeds. The remaining team is comprised of Dr David Turgoose (Academic Tutor and Lecturer in Clinical Psychology, University of Leeds), Dr Louise Johnson (Principal Clinical Psychologist, Leeds Major Trauma Centre), and Dr Ciara Masterson (Academic Director of Doctorate in Clinical Psychology, University of Leeds).

Am I eligible for this research?

You are eligible for this research if; • You are currently between the ages of 16-25 years old • You have previously been admitted to a Major Trauma Centre (MTC) and have been discharged for 2-12 months • You are not currently receiving Clinical Psychology input from a UK MTC or an alternative mental health service • You have NOT sustained a traumatic head injury

Day One Trauma Support involvement


This research has been designed with Experts by Experience (EBEs) from Day One Trauma Support who themselves have experienced Major Trauma (MT) to ensure that the right measures have been taken to make this experience as comfortable as possible for trauma survivors. EBE's have been involved in; - Contributing to the research design and questions - Reviewing and amending participant documents - Consulting on the interview process - Trialing the interview schedule - Writing ethics application and attending ethics panel

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